it's interesting to see you experimenting with you openings…. i feel like i am building new brain cells just watching you try new lines. thanks again for the video!
By the way, John, I got my first podium in a lichess tournament! Hyperbullet tourney at 2:30 a.m. so accordingly the competition was a bit easier, but I'm still happy 🙂
At 33:37 Didn't it make more sense to play 23. Qg5 directly than to play 23. Ng5, because the knight is just in the way of Qh4-g5-h6? Love your videos btw.
+John Bartholomew – I admire your ability to take a loss. (Even if it doesn't happen very often.) As a tennis coach I'm always interested in teaching kids how to deal with victory and defeat. What are your thoughts on the subject?
9:55 bishop takes knight on f6. And if you don't take back with bishop for e.g with the pawn or rook Qh5 looks winning , and if you take back with the bishop , Bd5 check is winning !!
thanks a ot for your great job of teaching and entertaining us, John, I'm from Cologne and you are my nummer one on youtube – even some others are very good as well 😉
John, that almost looks like Gibaud-Lazard on your demo board (1 d4 Nf6 2 Nd2 e5 3 dxe5 Ng4 4 h3?? Ne3 0-1) but not quite: there is a pawn on f4 instead of h3. What was the move order? 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nd2 e5 3 dxe5 Ng4 4 f4?? Ne3 I suppose? Is there a deeper message?
I approve of the use of the Leningrad. 🙂
it's interesting to see you experimenting with you openings…. i feel like i am building new brain cells just watching you try new lines. thanks again for the video!
Just FYI, the video says it's the 1 minute pool
You probably won't hear about this but the video says 1 minute pool.
John its 3-minute pool😀😂
Fixed the title – thanks, guys 🙂
27:47 Easiest is switching up the move order: 34…Qxc1+! 35.Kxc1 a2 -+ with unstoppable promotion!
You could have taken on c1 at 26:00 which talked about before
You are wonderful John. 🙂 I hope you are feeling recharged!
Would love to see more of those long sessions in the 5 minute pool. Just hard for patzers like me to follow this.
Can't u play ng5 in game with trex
By the way, John, I got my first podium in a lichess tournament! Hyperbullet tourney at 2:30 a.m. so accordingly the competition was a bit easier, but I'm still happy 🙂
At 33:37 Didn't it make more sense to play 23. Qg5 directly than to play 23. Ng5, because the knight is just in the way of Qh4-g5-h6? Love your videos btw.
+John Bartholomew – I admire your ability to take a loss. (Even if it doesn't happen very often.) As a tennis coach I'm always interested in teaching kids how to deal with victory and defeat. What are your thoughts on the subject?
This guy speaks like a robot
The progress John's channel has made when you had to type John Bartholo in the youtube search bar to John Ba haha
9:55 bishop takes knight on f6. And if you don't take back with bishop for e.g with the pawn or rook Qh5 looks winning , and if you take back with the bishop , Bd5 check is winning !!
thanks a ot for your great job of teaching and entertaining us, John, I'm from Cologne and you are my nummer one on youtube – even some others are very good as well 😉
John, that almost looks like Gibaud-Lazard on your demo board (1 d4 Nf6 2 Nd2 e5 3 dxe5 Ng4 4 h3?? Ne3 0-1) but not quite: there is a pawn on f4 instead of h3. What was the move order? 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nd2 e5 3 dxe5 Ng4 4 f4?? Ne3 I suppose? Is there a deeper message?
I like this new approach to 3 and 5 minute games John. Creative and satisfying. Thanks!
1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd8 4.Bc4 Nf6 5.Nf3 e6 6.d4 a6 7.a4 b6 8.Bg5 Bb7 9.Qe2 Be7 10.Ne5 O-O 11.Nxf7 Kxf7
( Stockfish 7 64 0.20 (depth 29) 11…Rxf7 12.Qxe6 Qf8 13.O-O Nc6 14.Rfe1 h6 15.Bf4 Bd6 16.Qxf7+ Qxf7 17.Bxf7+ Kxf7 18.Bxd6 cxd6 19.Ne4 Nxe4 20.Rxe4 Nb4 21.Re2 Bd5 22.b3 Nc6 23.Kf1 Rc8 24.c4 Nxd4 25.cxd5 Nxe2)
( 1.15 (depth 28) 11…Qe8 12.Ne5 Nd5 13.Nxd5 exd5 14.Bxe7 Qxe7 15.Bd3 Nc6 16.Nxc6 Qxe2+ 17.Kxe2 Bxc6 18.f3 Rae8+ 19.Kf2 a5 20.b3 h6 21.h4 Re6 22.Rhe1 Kf7 23.Rxe6 Kxe6 24.Re1+ Kd6 25.h5 Bd7)
( 1.27 (depth 28) 11…Kxf7 12.Bxe6+ Ke8 13.O-O-O Qd6 14.Rhe1 Kd8 15.Kb1 Ne8 16.Bxe7+ Qxe7 17.Rd3 Nf6 18.Re3 Nc6 19.Bc8 Qxe3 20.Qxe3 Rxc8 21.Qg5 Rg8 22.d5 Ne7 23.f3 h6 24.Qe5 Re8 25.Rd1 Nexd5)
( 2.59 (depth 28) 11…Qxd4 12.Rd1 Qc5 13.Bxf6 Bxf6 14.Qxe6 Qe7 15.Nd8+ Kh8 16.Qxe7 Bxe7 17.Nxb7 Ra7 18.Nd5 Bg5 19.f4 Bh6 20.Nxc7 Rxb7 21.Ne6 Re8 22.Kf2 g6 23.Rhe1 b5 24.Nc5 Rxe1 25.Rxe1 Rb6)
12.Bxe6+ Ke8 13.O-O-O Qd6 14.Rhe1 Kd8 15.d5 Nbd7 16.g3 h6 17.Bf4 Qb4 18.Bxd7 Nxd7 19.Rd4 Qxd4 20.Qxe7+ Kc8 21.Qe8+ Rxe8 22.Rxe8# 1-0
whoa, deft back rank mate at the end against practice007
I understand absolutely nothing about the strategy in these videos but I still love them
19:30 blunder….ouch. Worst feeling.